We support total transparency
Temecula Center for Dental Implants charges reasonable fees for our top-quality treatment. We’re honest about our fees from the start to ensure our patients can budget for their procedure. Explore our pricing before you schedule your free initial appointment with Dr. Tsvetov.
- 4 wisdom teeth with general anesthesia (patient is asleep): $2000
- Wisdom Teeth Extraction Price – 4 wisdom teeth without general anesthesia (patient is awake): $1500
- Price for extraction of 2-3 wisdom teeth with general anesthesia: $1700
- Price for extraction of 2-3 wisdom teeth without general anesthesia: $1200
- Price for extraction of 1 wisdom tooth with general anesthesia: $1200
- Price for extraction of 1 wisdom tooth without general anesthesia: $700
Consultation fee $200 will be applied towards treatment.
This price is the same regardless of type of impaction (erupted/partial bony/full bony)
This price includes follow up visits.
- Price for single tooth extraction, bone graft, general anesthesia: $1500
- Price for single tooth extraction, bone graft, without general anesthesia: $1000
- Price for single tooth extraction without bone graft, without general anesthesia: $700
The price includes free consultation, free x-rays and free follow up visits
- Single dental implant (tooth root replacement): $1600
- Single dental implant crown (with custom abutment): $1400
- Total single dental implant price, including custom abutment and crown: $3000
- General Anesthesia (going to sleep for procedure) if patient requests this: $500
The price range is given to accommodate variables such as bone quality and bone volume available, complexity of the case and local anatomic factors such as nerve location and sinus cavity position. The price includes free consultation, free xrays, and free follow up visits.
For two-four implants, multiply the price of the single implant by the number of implants. For example, two implants, with custom abutments and crowns will cost $6000.
Three implants with custom abutments and crowns will cost $9000. The price includes free consultation free xrays and free follow up visits.
- Single tooth extraction/bone graft: $1000
- Single dental implant (tooth root replacement) four months later: $1600
- Single dental implant crown (with custom abutment) three months later: $1400
- Total single tooth extraction/bone graft and dental implant price with a custom abutment and crown: $4000
- General anesthesia (going to sleep for the procedure) if the patient requests this: $500 for extraction/bone graft and $500 for dental implant placement
The final price will depend on factors like the quality of the bone, the location of the sinus cavity and nerves, and other specifics of the patient’s condition.
The total price includes a free consultation, free X-rays, and free follow-up visits. It does not take into consideration any potential dental insurance benefits that the patient may have.”
The pricing for this service is comprehensive – it includes everything you will need for the procedure to be completed, including any subsequent procedure (very uncommon), with no hidden fees or additional charge:
- Phase I (teeth extractions if needed, bone reshaping, any bone grafting/sinus lift, might be needed very rarely, implant placement, abutment placement, temporary fixed bridge): $10000
- Stage 2 (long-term provisional): $1000
- Stage 2 (final fixed bridge) $4500-$7000, depending on the type of the final fixed bridge (Titanium/Acrylic $4500 vs Titanium/Zirconia $7000)
- Total price for Full Arch Dental implants (Stage 1 and Stage 2) $14500-$17000 ($11000 if choosing long-term provisional)
- General Anesthesia (going to sleep for procedure) if patient requests this: $3600 for top & bottom / $2600 for a single arch
Full Arch Implant Pricing (Zygomatic Implants for upper jaw) for patients with insufficient jaw bone for traditional full arch treatment.
The pricing for this service includes everything you will need for the procedure, including any additional procedures that might be required (very rare).
- Phase I (teeth extractions if needed, bone reshaping, any bone grafting/sinus lift, might be needed very rarely, Zygomatic implant placement, abutment placement, temporary fixed bridge): $15000
- Phase II (long-term provisional): $1000 (please add)
- Phase II (final fixed bridge) $4500-$7000, depending on the type of the final fixed bridge (Titanium/Acrylic vs Titanium/Zirconia)
- Total price for Full Arch Zygomatic Dental implants (Phase I and Phase II): $19500-$22000 or $16000 if patient chooses long term provisional option (please add)
- General Anesthesia (going to sleep for procedure) if patient requests this–$3500
- The price includes free consultation free x-rays and free follow up visits.