Do Dental Implants Look Natural?


How can dental implants restore facial features One of the biggest problems associated with missing teeth is their impact on a person’s confidence, especially if the gaps are clearly visible. This may make the person reluctant to smile and speak freely. It can also give them plenty of anxiety when meeting and interacting with others. However, patients who seek the help of one of Temecula’s leading specialists in dental implants can be their former selves again.

Undergoing a dental implant procedure is the best way to restore both your oral health and an aesthetically pleasing smile. Read on to find out if they can successfully mimic the appearance of real teeth and how they can give your face better support.

Do teeth implants look good?

If you’ve had a disappointing experience with conventional dentures, you may fear that you’ll have similar issues with your dental implants. Dentures are unstable, don’t look natural, and often make it hard to chew or speak. However, you don’t have to worry about any of this with implants. When they’re crafted and placed by a reliable professional, they can meet even the strictest aesthetic criteria and can’t be visually differentiated from real teeth. 

The specialist will choose the material for the ceramic crown that doesn’t stand out from the surrounding teeth. They’ll also shape it so it blends in with your arch seamlessly. To achieve this, they use refined technology, like digital impressions to check for issues, computer guides to place the implant precisely, and sophisticated milling machines to craft the crown.

How can dental implants restore facial features?

Dental implants give you your old, stunning smile back. But they provide another huge advantage, too. 

People who experience tooth loss often notice a change in their facial features over time. Without the teeth to support their facial structure, they start exhibiting sunken cheeks and a narrowed jaw. These changes are caused by bone loss that happens after a tooth is extracted. They can age the face considerably and make the patient insecure about their appearance. 

Bone loss happens as a result of reduced mechanical loading/chewing. When a dental implant is placed, it stimulates the bone and encourages it to grow again. 

Can you tell if someone has dental implants?

No, you can’t. It’s impossible to tell the difference between a natural tooth and a dental implant with the naked eye. The only way for someone to know you’ve had implants placed is if you previously had multiple visible gaps. The people around you will certainly notice that you now have a new set of beautiful teeth. Also, your dentist or oral surgeon can tell that you have implants if they look at your X-ray or cone beam scan. However, nobody will be able to tell just by looking at your gorgeous smile.

What specialist in Temecula places durable dental implants?Do teeth implants look good

Dr.Tsvetov at Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants provides best-in-class care for patients from Lake Elsinore and the surrounding areas. He is one of the most experienced oral surgeons in the region, with a history of performing complex procedures with excellent success rates. Also, he’ll show you the sympathy and compassion you need during this vulnerable time. 

We’ll know more about your unique needs after your initial evaluation appointment, which is conducted at no extra charge. The doctor will guide you through the steps of the procedure so you know what to expect. You’ll also be able to choose your preferred type of anesthesia. Enjoy the many perks of modern prosthodontic breakthroughs and smile confidently again!

Requirements for Dental Implants: Who Is a Good Candidate?


What makes a patient a good candidate for dental implants Compromised dental health can have a huge impact on a patient’s self-esteem and quality of life. Fortunately, modern prosthodontics has found a reliable solution to the issue of missing or deteriorating teeth. Dental implants are a permanent, highly effective option for individuals struggling with tooth loss. If you’re considering undergoing oral surgery, you must be wondering if this is the best direction for you.

Keep reading to find out whether you fit the criteria for the placement of dental implants. If you do, contacting a specialist in Temecula, CA to perform a thorough evaluation can be your next step. 

Is everyone eligible for dental implants?

Dental implant placement is an extensive process that typically requires multiple appointments – one to place the implant and another to place the abutment. Some patients may also require a bone grafting procedure beforehand. Like all surgical procedures, these ones carry certain risks. This means not everyone will be the right fit for oral surgery. Patients have to meet several conditions to be considered suitable candidates. 

What makes a patient a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants are an excellent, natural-looking option for many patients, but only if they match the necessary criteria for oral surgery.


While a patient can’t be too old for a dental implant, they can certainly be too young. Since the implant is permanent, it needs a stable and consistent structure. If the jaw hasn’t fully developed yet, its future growth can compromise the implant. People can generally start considering this treatment method when they’re 18 or older.


Patients have to be in good enough general health to successfully recover from multiple surgeries. You may need to look for an alternative if you have certain disorders that impede normal recovery. For example, if you suffer from bleeding disorders or conditions that slow down healing, have a weakened immune system, or take blood-thinning medication.

Smokers and patients who have had extensive issues with their oral health may also not be the best candidates because their potential for implant failure is greater.

Bone mass and density

Your implant needs enough bone to hold it firmly in place. If the structure is lacking, the implant won’t have the strength and stability it requires. Bone grafting may be recommended to create the necessary conditions for stable implant placement. A transplant is used to rebuild the missing bone and give you added structural stability.

While these are general guidelines, only a professional can tell you for sure if you’d benefit from dental implants. After performing thorough examinations, they’ll assess the exact risks and advantages in your case. Your doctor will check your general medical history and ask you about the medications you’re currently on to make sure oral surgery is the best choice for you.

Who is the leading expert in dental implants in Temecula, CA?Is everyone eligible for dental implants

Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants offers the highest standard of care for patients who have trouble with missing or damaged teeth. Dr.Tsvetov is a local authority on prosthodontic treatment who has years of experience and extensive professional qualifications. His sympathetic demeanor and vast knowledge of dental implant technology ensures excellent clinical outcomes. 

If you’re a resident of Murrieta and the vicinity, schedule a free-of-charge initial evaluation to confirm that dental implants are an appropriate option for you. Your doctor will give you a detail-oriented dental exam, check your dental and medical history, and perform precise X-rays and Cone Beam scans. He’ll also walk you through the whole procedure and offer several pain management options. Contact us to gain access to the many benefits of cutting-edge dental implants.