Common Misconceptions about All-on-4 Implants


Methodology of All-on-4 is a relatively new one. Since it emerged in the 90s and has been present for about three decades, there are still many practitioners who aren’t qualified to implement it. This has led to a number of myths and misconceptions regarding the procedure

If you’re interested in this treatment, but still have a lot of questions, feel free to reach out to your specialist in Rancho Bernardo and ask about anything that bothers you about All-on-4 dental implants. In the meantime, have a look at some common misconceptions we’ve addressed in this article. 

What are some common myths about All-on-4 implants?

To help you set your mind at ease and make an informed decision, let’s explore the usual myths surrounding the treatment:

The procedure is extremely painful

It is a common belief that the surgery is extremely painful when, in reality, the most unpleasant feeling that can result from it is some discomfort and swelling. However, it only lasts a couple of days and conventional painkillers can efficiently keep it under control. The procedure itself involves almost no pain at all. 

It requires high maintenance

While people tend to believe that implants require special care and are hard to clean, the truth is that standard practices in oral hygiene, such as regular brushing, flossing, and occasional check-ups are sufficient. Moreover, when compared to dentures, they provide convenience and prevent issues such as shifting teeth and bone loss. 

It’s a difficult and complicated procedure

The treatment involves a minimally invasive procedure that normally requires a single surgery. Precise planning and advanced technology allow specialists to place implants with high precision and efficiency. The streamlined process reduces the need for multiple surgeries, minimizes discomfort, and provides a more convenient experience. 

Only specific age groups are candidates

When it comes to candidacy, age is not the only determining factor. The treatment is viable for different age groups if the patient satisfies other significant factors. Some of the criteria include sufficient jawbone density and good overall health. Additionally, factors such as bone health play an essential role when determining candidacy, rather than age alone. 

Implants look fake or unnatural

The treatment is fully customized to provide both the feel and look of natural teeth. Dental specialists craft the prosthetic teeth with meticulous care, matching the color, shape, and size of the patient’s natural teeth and ensuring a flawless natural-looking smile. They function and look like natural teeth, enhancing both confidence and appearance. 

They are the same as traditional single implants

As the name of the treatment implies, the new set of teeth for an entire arch is supported by only 4 implants. On the other hand, the traditional solution requires a single implant to support each tooth. Moreover, it typically requires only one surgery, allowing patients to get functional and natural-looking teeth without any pre-surgeries. 

The cost is too high

While the treatment isn’t cheap, it’s a cost-effective solution compared to other traditional options. It’s a lifelong solution that you can’t lose or wear down and it eliminates the need for remaking or refitting which cost both your time and money. 

Where in Rancho Bernardo can I get quality All-on-4 dental implantsWhere in Rancho Bernardo can I get quality All-on-4 dental implants?

Whether you have any concerns about the period of recovery or you’d like to learn more about the advantages of implants over dentures, our team at Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants will be happy to provide you with reliable information. Our renowned and experienced Dr. Tsvetov will work closely with you to provide you with an optimal solution and restore your smile. Whether your home is in Rancho Bernardo or across the area, visit our office and schedule an appointment. Get in touch with us today!

Recovery Tips After All-on-4 Dental Implant Surgery


All-on-4 dental implants have gained significant popularity in Rancho Bernardo and across the nation as a reliable solution for restoring smiles. Compared to traditional options, it provides greater stability and eliminates the need for additional surgeries such as sinus lifts and bone grafting. However, just like with any procedure, recovery makes an important part of the entire process. Understanding what to expect and how to behave during this phase can facilitate healing and allow you to quickly go back to your regular routine. Keep reading to learn more about it. 

What is the recovery time for All-on-4 implants?

While the healing itself normally takes several months, the expected swelling and discomfort typically subside within a couple of days. Let’s have a closer look at what recovery includes:

Post-op care

Your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions to follow after the surgery. Understanding and following them is essential to prevent any complications, reduce pain, promote healing, and improve the overall outcome. This includes taking the prescribed medications, adhering to dietary restrictions, attending follow-up appointments, and maintaining proper hygiene.

Common side effects

Experiencing certain side effects is common following the surgery. These may include swelling, bruising, pain, discomfort, limited mobility, and fatigue. While following the instructions prescribed by your specialist should minimize these occurrences, in case you experience any severe or unexpected symptoms, make sure you consult with your healthcare professional. 

Dietary restrictions

Focusing on a balanced diet is a vital part of the recovery process. You should incorporate nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits to aid in healing. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol. In addition, make sure you avoid sugary snacks, excessive sodium intake, and processed foods. 

Oral hygiene practices

Proper healing is highly dependent on maintaining proper oral hygiene practices. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft brush to gently brush your teeth two times a day. Carefully floss around the implants, making sure you avoid direct contact with the surgical area. Follow with an antimicrobial rinse that your dentist has prescribed to reduce the amount of bacteria. Don’t miss your regular check-ups and professional cleaning. 

Restrictions and recommendations regarding physical activity

The physical restrictions your specialist will advise are meant to prevent any injury and allow your body to heal properly. You’ll also receive recommendations on gradual and safe reintroduction of physical activity to help you avoid any setbacks. This can involve starting with light exercises and then gradually increasing duration and intensity. Make sure you always consult your doctor about it. 

The process of healing

Healing may take between 2 and 6 months, depending on a patient. During this time, the implants will integrate with your jawbone, ensuring stability. It’s important to understand that during this period, you will be wearing temporary teeth. When healing is complete, you’ll receive the final, custom-made prosthetic. 

Recovery Tips After All-on-4 Dental Implant SurgeryWho provides reliable All-on-4 dental implants in Rancho Bernardo?

If you’re concerned about some common misconceptions regarding this procedure, you’d like to learn more about the advantages over traditional dentures, or how they can improve your life quality, Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants is the team you can trust to provide you with accurate and essential information and premium-quality solutions. Dr. Tsvetov will attentively listen to your needs and thoroughly analyze your situation, carefully guiding you throughout the process. Whether you live by Rancho Bernardo High School or in another nearby area, stop by our office and allow us to bring you back your smile. Give us a call today!