3 Sedation Options for Wisdom Teeth Extractions & Their Benefits


Most patients feel anxious and apprehensive about the prospects of getting their wisdom teeth removed. Discomfort is usually the number one concern for the majority of people facing any type of oral surgery. However, if you work with Murrieta’s leading wisdom teeth removal specialist, there’s no reason to worry. 

Your oral surgeon will discuss anesthesia options with you beforehand and use the one that works best in your situation. This way, you’ll be safe and comfortable throughout your procedure. To get to know more about different types of discomfort management that may be used, read on.

What types of anesthesia can be used for wisdom teeth removal? What types of anesthesia can be used for wisdom teeth removal 

Oral surgery includes sedation to eliminate discomfort and put you at ease. There are three options for discomfort management commonly used during wisdom tooth extractions. Your surgeon will suggest the best anesthetic based on your needs and run this by you in advance. They will also provide you with instructions on preparation and aftercare that you should follow closely.

1. Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is injected in the area where the surgery is performed. It’s typically applied to the gums around the tooth. The patient stays conscious but the area that’s being operated on turns numb, so they don’t feel any discomfort. The only thing you may feel is the pressure caused by the instruments the surgeon is using. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, can be used alongside a local anesthetic to further relax you. The patient breathes it in through a mask that’s put over their nose. 

Local anesthesia is mostly recommended for minor procedures, such as when you’re getting a filling. It wears off after a few hours and you may then feel some numbness in your gums, cheek, and lips. 

2. IV sedation

Intravenous sedation is administered into a vein through a catheter. The patient isn’t fully conscious during the procedure and they typically have no recollection of it. While they can understand and answer verbal cues, they are fully relaxed and don’t feel any discomfort. 

This may be an excellent option for patients who are very anxious about their dental procedure. Although they won’t be asleep, it may feel like it afterward because they likely won’t remember anything that took place. Right after the sedative wears off, you may feel drowsy and sluggish as well as experience low blood pressure, headache, and nausea.

3. General anesthesia

General anesthesia is used to make the patient fully unconscious. Since the patient is completely unaware of what is happening, they feel no pain and have no memory of the procedure. It may be suitable for those who are extremely fearful of undergoing surgery. 

There are certain risks associated with general anesthesia, especially if you’re in a high-risk group, like if you have heart disease. However, the team will closely monitor your vital signs to minimize chances of complications. Some short-term side effects that may occur after anesthesia include confusion, dizziness, nausea, and trembling.

Where in Murrieta can I find a dependable teeth removal specialist?

Where in Murrieta can I find a dependable teeth removal specialist

Patients from Riverside County should feel free to contact Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants for a consultation about their wisdom teeth extraction. You’ll first have a free evaluation appointment where Dr. Tsvetov assesses their condition and performs the necessary diagnostic testing. 

We understand that the prospects of oral surgery can make you uneasy and we do our best to ensure your comfort. This is why your doctor will carefully choose a suitable anesthetic and explain its advantages to you. He will also help you get ready for the procedure and let you know what to expect from the surgery and after it. 

If you suspect that you may need a wisdom tooth extraction or another oral surgery, give us a call for expert guidance and excellent care.

4 Common Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth


A tooth is impacted when it doesn’t fully emerge because there’s too little room for it in the mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth are a common occurrence, with some estimates showing that it affects up to 90 percent of people. Because they’re the last teeth to erupt and they’re located at the back of the mouth, there is often not enough space for them to develop.

Impaction can cause a variety of problems for the patient. If you have impacted third molars, your specialist will likely suggest wisdom teeth removal at their dental office in Murrieta. This will spare you a lot of trouble and discomfort down the line. Learn what complications could happen due to impacted wisdom teeth and why it’s best to have them extracted.

What are some problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth appear in late adolescence or early adulthood and commonly come in at an angle or only erupt partially because they lack room to develop normally. Over time, this can lead to multiple issues. It’s advisable to react to the first signs of erupting wisdom teeth and have them removed as soon as possible if your specialist determines that they may cause problems in the future. Here are some unpleasant symptoms that can come up if the problem of impacted teeth isn’t addressed.  

1. Discomfort4 Common Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Discomfort is one of the first signs of an impacted wisdom tooth coming in. Since they tend to grow sideways, they may touch surrounding tissue and teeth. Because the tooth can’t break through, the gums around the tooth may become red and swollen, causing pain. Pain medication can provide short-term relief, but the problem can only go away for good if it’s treated by a specialist. If you’re experiencing any discomfort, it should prompt you to schedule a dental appointment.

2. Infections

Because they’re hard to reach, wisdom teeth are difficult to clean. Impaction makes cleaning even more complicated. This means that you’re at an increased risk of bacterial infections. Food often gets stuck in the tiny spaces between the gums and the tooth called gum pockets. The combination of these trapped pieces of food and the bacteria in your mouth can create an infection. If you have bad breath, swelling around the tooth, and a fever, an infection may be a likely cause.

3. Cavities and cysts

Impacted wisdom teeth often cause crowding and they’re also hard to keep clean because of their position. These are risk factors for the development of cavities. With tooth decay, you’ll notice signs like hot or cold sensitivity, toothache, bad breath, and visible holes in the affected tooth. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form next to the impacted tooth. They can press onto adjacent teeth, gum tissue, and bone. They can get infected and produce abscess and pain.

4. Damage to adjacent teeth

Since impacted wisdom teeth rarely come in straight, nearby teeth get in their way as they grow, so they push them. This causes misalignment, which may require orthodontic treatment. In addition, adjacent teeth can develop cavities and infections because of the crowding caused by impaction.

Who is the leading expert in wisdom teeth removal in Murrieta?What are some problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth

Dr. Tsvetov at Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants will correctly identify and find an effective solution for any dental condition caused by your impacted wisdom teeth. 

Schedule your free initial appointment to have the problem diagnosed, receive a custom treatment plan, and go over the details with your doctor. We’ll find the best sedation option for you to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible during and after the procedure. Your doctor will make sure you’re safe and satisfied with the outcome of the procedure.

Give us a call to have the leading oral surgeon in the Temecula region care for your oral health.