Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants, Part 2


What are frequent questions concerning dental implants?

What are frequent questions concerning dental implants

If you’ve never undergone a dental implant procedure, it’s perfectly normal to have some doubts about it. Reading the answers to some of the most frequent questions will give you a better insight into the process: 

Is it fine not to replace a missing tooth?

Yes, it’s fine, as long as the gap isn’t affecting your speech and eating. However, you should keep in mind that the jaw bone will resorb when it has nothing to latch on. In the future, this can affect your suitability for a dental implant, especially if you’re missing more than one tooth in one area. Feel free to consult your dentist about the potential consequences and the best solution. 

Do I need to clean beneath dental implants?

There’s no need to clean under your implants, since they perfectly fuse with the bone. All you need to do is take care of them just as you do with your natural teeth and use an interdental aid or floss around it on a daily basis. 

Do dental implants hurt?

The procedure of placing an implant is always carried out using local anesthesia, and it’s comfortable and painless. However, if you prefer, you can ask for a total anesthesia, and your dentist will let you know if it’s suitable for you. As for the recovery, the nature of the procedure renders it slightly uncomfortable, but it only lasts a couple of days. 

How long does the procedure take?

Your dentist will typically book a one hour appointment. However, not all of that time is spent on the surgery. It takes time to set it all up, gown everyone up, prepare the site for the implant, place the implant, suture up, and clean down. 

Can one implant replace two teeth?

This is sometimes possible, but it’s important not to burden the implant with too much load on top. Your dentist will carefully evaluate the situation and decide whether it’s possible to load it with two crowns or not. That’s why it’s better to go for All-on-4 solutions if the situation allows it.

What’s the recovery time for the procedure?

While it only takes several days for the feeling of discomfort to pass, the area takes approximately a couple of weeks to fully heal. During that time, you will have a check-up appointment with your dentist to review the site and to remove any sutures. 

What is the leading practice in Temecula that offers non-removable teeth on implants?What is the leading practice in Temecula that offers non-removable teeth on implants

Whether you need a single dental implant to replace your missing tooth, or you’re in two minds between a removable and permanent crown, contact your specialist at Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants. We’ll use our knowledge and expertise to thoroughly examine your situation and provide you with the best possible solution. 

Visit the inspiring Temecula History Museum, then stop by at our center for a free consultation and X ray scan, and we’ll make sure you have your smile back. Call us now!

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants, Part 1


When you have a missing tooth due to disease, injury or any other reason, it’s not only an inconvenience but also leads to further complications such as chewing pattern changes, rapid bone loss, and defective speech.

Fortunately, you can easily resolve this kind of issue by opting for high-quality non-removable teeth on implants provided by leading specialists in Temecula. While it may seem intimidating, the procedure is simple and learning more about it will help you feel at ease and more confident about bringing your smile back. Keep reading to find out the answers to some of the most common questions about dental implants

What are common questions about dental implants?

What are common questions about dental implants

You can significantly improve your health and quality of life by reaching out to a dental specialist for an implant procedure. Take a look at the important questions to ask and find out more about it:

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a permanent solution for any kind of prosthetic-related issues you may have. They resemble a small post that sits directly in your jaw, imitating the root of the teeth. They eventually bond to your bone which makes them equally strong as natural teeth. 

How much do dental implants cost?

The price of dental implants depends on quite a number of factors including how many of them you need, the materials, other services that may be necessary such as a tooth extraction, and finally, what your insurance covers. Most practices also offer a warranty period.

Who is suitable for dental implants?

It’s best to consult your dentist and check whether you’re suitable for this procedure. However, some general guidelines imply that your gums should be pink and healthy and that you should have a sufficient amount of jaw bone. Unfortunately, certain medical conditions may render you unsuitable for the procedure, but after a full mouth assessment, your dentist will provide you with a definite answer. 

Can gums grow around implants?

An implant goes deep into the mandible or maxilla, which are your lower and upper jaw, and with adequate care, the gum will remain around the crown and the implant. However, if your gum has receded, like with natural teeth, it won’t be able to grow back. In that case, gum grafts can cover both implants and teeth that are visible. 

Can food get under implant-retained denture?

If you have an implant-retained denture, it is recommended to remove it on a daily basis and clean it thoroughly. Any food trapped underneath can cause inflammation of the gums around the denture, as well as gum and bone loss. 

Does food get under dental implants?

In case of a single implant crown, food can’t go under it because both the crown and the abutment are made to fit perfectly to the gum, preventing any food particles from going in between. However, just like with natural teeth, it’s necessary to maintain proper oral hygiene. 

What practice offers highest-quality non-removable teeth on implants in Temecula?What practice offers highest-quality non-removable teeth on implants in Temecula

If you’d like to know more about a single-tooth dental implant procedure, or not sure how exactly permanent crowns differ from removable ones, feel free to reach out to Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants. You’ll be in the professional care of Dr. Dmitry Tsvetov, a committed  and experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon who performs a range of procedures including dental implant placement and wisdom teeth extraction. 

Enjoy some relaxing time at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park, then visit our center for free consultation so we can together find the best solution for you. Give us a call today!

5 Warning Signs You Need Dental Implants


Opting for the right solution for your dental issue can be challenging. You’d like your smile to be radiant again, but you don’t want an intensive treatment. If you’re looking for the best way to restore your smile or you’ve grown tired of your dentures, then implants are worth considering. 

If you’d like to replace your teeth in Perris, CA, scheduling an appointment with a reliable dental implant specialist is your first move. They will evaluate your teeth health and tell you everything about the optimal solution. However, if you’re still hesitant about making the first step, you might be interested in the signs that tell you it’s time to visit a specialist. Read on.

When do I need dental implants?

When do I need dental implants

Whether you’re afraid of the procedure because of different myths that usually surround it, or you’re simply not sure if it’s the right time to reach out for help, the following 5 signs will let you know when you need to call your dentist:

Missing teeth / tooth

This is an obvious sign that you should visit your dentist. Having only one missing tooth is a reason enough to schedule an appointment and see if an implant is the best option for you. No matter how many teeth you’re missing, your dentist will make sure you have your smile back.

Loose partials, bridge or dentures

The truth is that a lot of people suffer from loose bridge, partials, or dentures. Not only is it inconvenient, but it can also get you into many unpleasant situations. Unlike dentures, implants will both feel and look like your natural teeth, and you won’t need to worry about dentures falling out while you’re eating or drinking. 

Infected tooth

When you have an infected tooth, there are two possible options. Your dentist will either save it with the help of certain procedures, or they’ll need to pull it out if the infection is too bad. In the latter scenario, once the tooth is extracted, you might consider placing an implant to fill in the gap. It could help restore your smile and make chewing easier.

Sunken‐in appearance

Your face can have a sunken‐in appearance either because of missing teeth or because of dentures. Your jawbone needs stimulation in order to grow critical tissue, but dentures do not provide this stimulation and your jaw loses bone as you get older. On the other hand, implants act like natural teeth, preventing the jaw from resorbing.

Difficulty when chewing food

Having a missing or a cracked tooth can pose quite a problem and take away the joy from eating your favorite foods. Whether you need to avoid certain foods, or chew and bite tenderly, it can be frustrating. Instead of putting up with discomfort or pain, check with your dentist if you’re a candidate for implants. 

Where in Perris, CA, can I schedule an appointment with a reliable dental implant specialist?

Where in Perris, CA, can I schedule an appointment with a reliable dental implant specialist

People have recognized the importance of strong and healthy teeth thousands of years ago  and developed the technology of teeth replacement throughout history reaching cutting edge solutions in today’s modern time. Rather than enduring the inconvenience of missing teeth, reach out to Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants. We’ll be happy to provide you with the most important information about the procedure and find the right solution together. 

We’re minutes away from the Redhawk Community Park, so take a relaxing walk and visit our office. We offer free consultations to all our patients, so call us today and schedule yours!

6 Dental Implant Myths Debunked


While replacing your missing teeth can be stressful, it’s certainly worth it since they are essential for your overall well being. However, even with the advanced technology and methods, there are still a few myths surrounding this procedure and some of them can cause people who really need dental implants to delay getting them or opt for less effective procedures instead. 

The key step to feeling comfortable and safe about having your teeth replaced is finding a trustworthy dental implant specialist in Perris, CA. Next, you can focus on setting your mind at ease. As always, debunking some of the common myths is a good way to start. Read on.

What are some common myths about dental implants?

What are some common myths about dental implants

Pairing the following info with important facts about teeth replacement will help you choose the right solution for your issue, but also feel more comfortable about the steps that await you towards a new smile. Have a look at these 6 common myths:

Myth #1: It’s for seniors only

While implants are usually not an option for teens and kids since their jawbones are still developing, for adults of any age, this is a long‐lasting solution. It’s a fact that tooth loss increases with age, but there are about 178 million adult Americans missing at least one, and about 40 million missing all of their teeth.

Myth #2: It’s painful and invasive

The truth is that this procedure requires oral surgery, but the modern surgical, sedation, and numbing technology and techniques allow maximum comfort and fast healing. While it’s usual to complete the surgery under local anesthesia, you can also opt for sedation for a more relaxed experience, and you can go back to your work and regular activities within the following two to three days.

Myth #3: It requires special care

Caring for your implants is no different than maintaining regular hygiene of your natural teeth or other restorations such as crowns and bridges. All you need to do is follow your daily routine and your new implants can last for decades. You can always check with your dentist for more details.

Myth #4: It’s still experimental

If you consider the fact that we can trace back attempts for teeth replacement as far back as 4000 years, but more importantly that the first titanium implant as we know it today was successfully placed almost 60 years ago, it becomes obvious that this technique has come a long way. Moreover, there’s evidence that there are patients who retained their implants in place for over 40 years.

Myth #5: It looks fake

When you reach out to a qualified specialist, you have nothing to worry about the fake look of your new teeth. The implant itself goes underneath the gum and it’s not visible. The false tooth that joins onto it is made of ceramic and it’s hardly distinguishable from a natural one. All you need to do is choose a dedicated surgeon.

Myth #6: It’s often not successful

In over 90% of cases, an implant integrates with the bone successfully. In the few cases where it becomes loose, your oral specialist will simply replace it with a new one. To this day, there hasn’t been a case of a failed implant replacement. 

Who is the leading dental implant specialist in Perris, CA?

Who is the leading dental implant specialist in Perris, CA

Whether you’re ready for your oral surgery or you’re not sure when it would be the right time to do it, reach out to Temecula Center for Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants. Our renowned surgeon, Dr. Dmitry Tsvetov and his professional and dedicated team will do everything to make you feel relaxed and comfortable. 

Visit us for free consultation and X ray, then enjoy some time at Perris, knowing that your smile is in good hands. Give us a call today and schedule your appointment!